3.5 Table Filing Indicators

Filing indicators are inserted into the XBRL file to indicate to the receiving authority, which templates are being submitted.  There are two types of filing indicators:

  1. Positive.  A positive filing indicator indicates that the template is being filed.  Positive filling indicators have an impact on which validation rules will be evaluated on submission.
  2. Negative. A negative filing indicator indicates explicitly that the template is not being filed, rather than it being omitted in error.  A negative filing indicator has no impact on which validation rules will be run.

A submission will be rejected if it includes a reported fact from a template not covered by a positive filing indicator. Negative filing indicators were previously optional, but recent changes to filing rules by the EBA and EIOPA require every template in the reporting module to have either a positive or negative filing indicator in the XBRL file. 

Automation of Filing Indicators

DPM Authority automates both positive and negative filing indicators as follows:

  • Positive filing indicators are automatically inserted for every template that has at least one reported fact.
  • Negative filing indicators are automatically inserted for every template that does not have at least one reported fact - whether the template has been initialised or not.

There is only one scenario where the automated filing indicators may need a manual override:

Manual Override of Automated FIling Indicators

There is a single rare instance where the automated filing indicators might need to be manually overridden.  This is the scenario where the receiving authority expects the inclusion of a particular template, but the reporting entity does not have a single fact in that template to report.  By default, a negative filing indicator would be inserted, but this can be overridden to positive by using the Filing Indicators form accessible by clicking on the Filing Indicators button in the main ribbon:

If a template has at least one reported fact, it will be set to positive and disabled - that template must have a positive filing indicator otherwise the filing will be rejected.   All other templates will have a negative filing indicator unless you manually make it positive using this form.

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