Legacy Report Authority Release Notes
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Report Authority Version 21.1
21.1.18 (20 November 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | 2024 Resolution Reporting 8.0.2 |
2 | New Taxonomy | SRF 2024 Taxonomy |
3 | New Taxonomy | EBA DPM 3.3 Phase 3 |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of EBA disabled rules, and ECB Data Quality Checks. |
21.1.17 (29 August 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EBA DPM 3.3 (Phase 1 & 2) Taxonomy. Includes the new IPU (Intermediate EU Parent Undertaking), ESG and Pillar 3 modules requited for 31/12/2023, and updates to SBP requited for 30/09/2023. |
2 | New Taxonomy | BoE 3.6.0 Banking Taxonomy. Updated Leverage Ratio Module. Required from 01/01/2024. |
3 | New Taxonomy | CBI National Reporting 2.1.1 Taxonomy - corrective release from the CBI addressing incorrect field in the MMR module. |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of EBA disabled rules. |
21.1.15 (22 May 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the ECB Additional Supervisory Data Quality Checks (Updated by the ECB on 23 April 2023) |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the EIOPA 2.7.0 taxonomy to restore the same Excel Import Template sheet naming convention used in the previous version of the taxonomy |
21.1.14 (9 May 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA Insurance Solvency II 2.8.0 |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | DNB MESREP 2.2.0 |
3 | New Entity Types | Finland FIN-FSA LEI.nnn and TK-tunnus |
21.1.13 (27 March 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA Insurance Solvency II 2.8.0 (Public working draft) |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | EIOPA Insurance Solvency II 2.7.0 Hotfix 2 |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | EIOPA Pension Funds 2.7.1 Hotfix 2 |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated EBA's list of disabled validation rules. |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | Archived old taxonomies to reduce the installer size |
6 | Change | Re-ordered items in the File menu to be consistent with other products in the suite |
21.1.12 (27 February 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Bug Fix | Fixed an error for EBA DPM 3.2 - FINREP in which F 08.01.b R0450 C0030 was not correctly displayed in the validation panel. |
2 | Bug Fix | Fixed an error affecting the exporting of mapped data objects to Excel which prevented all tables from being exported. |
3 | Update | Updated EIOPA's list of disabled validation rules. |
4 | Update | Updated EBA's list of disabled validation rules. |
21.1.11 (9 February 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Update | Updated the Identifier Scheme URL for EBA and SRB reporting to use the neutral entity schema “ https://eurofiling.info/eu/rs”, replacing https://www.eba.europa.eu/eu/rs. |
2 | Update | Report Authority now includes additional identifier suffixes as required for SRB reporting (INDPOE, INDOTH, CONPOE, RES). |
3 | Update | Updated the Remuneration domain for the OneGate envelope for submissions to Banque de France. |
4 | Update | Updated Luxembourg CSSF naming convention for XBRL submissions. |
5 | New Functionality | Ability to export the full list of data adaptors to Excel across all tables, rather than just the active one. |
6 | New Functionality | Report Authority now creates reference tables for variable row table identifiers when generating SQL scripts. |
7 | Update | Updated EIOPA's list of disabled validation rules. |
8 | Update | Supported a complex expression to check the schema reference as required for the SRB Liability Data Report. This caused an issue with validation rule ldr_v0072 which could not be cleared. |
21.1.10 (31 January 2023)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Change | Report Authority now includes information about omitted optional columns in the XBRL file - it now reports a nil rather than being omitted entirely. This is required due to EIOPA's change in version 2.7.0 of their taxonomies. |
21.1.9 (21 December 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | French RAN v1.6.0. |
2 | New Taxonomy | Bank of England Statistics Taxonomy 1.3.0. (addition of form IPA - no other changes to previous entry points) |
3 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA Solvency II 2.8.0 Taxonomy (excluding validation rules). |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | SRF Ex Ante Contributions Taxonomy v8.0.2. (contains only label and message updates) |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | EIOPA Solvency II 2.7.0 (hotfix). Contains only changes to validation rules. |
6 | Updated Taxonomy | EIOPA Solvency II Pension Funds v2.7.0 (hotfix). |
7 | Improvement | Added the identifier scheme Código da Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) for Portuguese entities. |
8 | Improvement | Added FDR as a domain to the OneGate XML envelope. |
9 | Update | Updated the EBA's list of disabled rules. |
10 | Update | Updated EIOPA's list of disabled rules. |
11 | Update | Added the ECB's Additional Supervisory Data Quality Checks to the EBA's DPM 3.2 taxonomy. |
12 | Update | Update Luxembourg's Custom Naming for EBA DPM 3.2, SRF and SRB Taxonomies. |
13 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that introduces rounding differences when using Report Authority's automatic calculations. |
21.1.8 (28 October 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EBA DPM 3.2 Phase 3 Taxonomy - contains updates for Remuneration and amendments in validation rules for COREP & FINREP. |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | Bank of England Statistics Taxonomy v1.2.4 - includes adjustments to several validation rules. All entry points remain the same with this update. |
3 | New Taxonomy | Central Bank of Ireland BIFR Taxonomy - applicable from January 2023, this taxonomy replaces the previous BIFR form that was submitted in Excel format. |
4 | New Taxonomy | CIPC XBRL Taxonomy 2022 |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled validation rules for CRD IV 3.0, 3.1 & 3.2 |
6 | Improvement | 7-digit UK FRN numbers are now supported |
7 | Improvement | Updated OneGate XML Envelope |
8 | Improvement | Partial implementation of the remaining ECB Additional supervisory data quality checks |
9 | Bug Fix | Fixed an issue where Report Authority’s validation engine did not round correctly when calculating the public interest score in the CIPC taxonomy |
21.1.7 (10 October 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomies | Single Resolution Fund (SRF) ex-ante contributions taxonomy (2022 & 2023) |
2 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA KID PEPP taxonomy 2.7.0 |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | DNB SPV reporting 1.2.0 |
4 | New Taxonomy | DNB Profit and Loss Account (PLA) v1.0.1 |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | DNB OTC Derivatives v1.1.1 |
6 | New Taxonomy | Bundesbanken Internal Capital Adequacy Information (Risikotragfähigkeitsinformationen) (RTF) v2.1 taxonomy |
7 | Updated Taxonomy | Single Resolution Board (SRB) Resolution Reporting 2023 v7.0.2 |
8 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled validation rules for CRD IV 3.0, 3.1 & 3.2 |
9 | New Feature | Allow the addition of an identifier suffix for all identifier schemes |
10 | Updated taxonomy | Updated the from and to dates due to a delay in the adoption of EBA DPM 3.2 |
11 | New Feature | Partial implementation of the ECB Additional supervisory data quality checks |
21.1.6 (22 August 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Updated Taxonomy | EIOPA Solvency II Insurance 2.7.0. |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | De Nederlandsche Bank FBO v4.0 taxonomy. |
3 | Change | Removed the From and To dates from the EBA CRD IV DPM taxonomies for UK reporting entities (the UK authority still has not made a decision on whether to implement EBA DPM 3.2). |
21.1.5 (1 August 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy v2.1 |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated Banque de France RUBA Taxonomy v1.1.0 |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated EIOPA Pensions Funds Taxonomy v2.7.0 |
21.1.4 (27 June 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EBA DPM 3.2 Phase 2 (SBP, RES, FP, MREL, FINREP, COVID19, Notification and PAY). |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | Bank of England Banking Statistics Taxonomy v1.2.3. |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy v2.0.1. |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the list of disabled validation rules for EBA & EIOPA. |
5 | Taxonomy Archived | A number of legacy taxonomies were archived to reduce the size of the installer. |
6 | Improvement | List of possible QName entries can now be viewed even when the data object is protected. |
7 | Improvement | Report Authority now automates all negative filing indicators. |
8 | Improvement | PerShareItemTypes now use the monetary tag icon rather than the decimal icon. |
9 | Improvement | OneStream connectivity no longer defaults to the buffer method for data retrieval. |
10 | Bug Fix | Report Authority now inserts software name and version in iXBRL files generated for the Irish Revenue. |
21.1.3 (21 April 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EBA DPM 3.2 Phase 1 (COREP, AE, IF, GSII) |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | Bank of England Banking 3.5.1 (Validation rules update) |
3 | Enhancement | Support for entity identifier suffix to denote consolidated or individual reporting entity (required by EBA DPM 3.2). |
4 | Bug Fix | Numeric values were not always shown in the Value Editor panel using the correct number format as defined in settings. |
21.1.2 (11 April 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | French RAN Taxonomy v1.5.0 |
2 | Improvement | Changed the method for users entering credentials for OneStream. |
3 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that prevented exporting to XBRL. |
4 | Bug Fix | Fixed an issue where the file size exceeded the maximum x32 value for DotNetZip. |
21.1.1 (15 March 2022)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | CIPC XBRL Taxonomy v1.2. |
2 | New Taxonomy | French RUBA Taxonomy v1.1 |
3 | New Taxonomy | DNB Foreign Equity Holdings (FEH) Reporting v1.0.1. |
4 | New Taxonomy | DNB Macroeconomic Statistics Reporting (MESREP) Taxonomy v2.1.0 |
5 | New Taxonomy | Irish Revenue Extension Taxonomy 2022 |
6 | New Taxonomy | FRC 2022 Taxonomy Suite v1.0.0 |
7 | New Taxonomy | Bank of England Insurance taxonomy v1.3.1 |
8 | Updated Taxonomy | DNB BSI 2.0.2 taxonomy |
9 | Updated Taxonomy | DNB PAY Taxonomy v1.1.0 |
10 | Updated Taxonomy | BOE Statistics Taxonomy v1.2.2 |
11 | New Feature | Ability to import taxonomy sets into an installed version of Report Authority. |
12 | New Feature | Support for non-mandatory row dimension members. |
13 | New Feature | Know terms are hyperlinks in the Validation panel. |
Report Authority Version 20.2
20.2.9 (9 December 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | Bank of England Banking v3.5.0 Taxonomy - Includes new Leverage ratio (LVR001) entry point. |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated Bank of England v3.4.1 Taxonomy. |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated Bank of England Statistics v1.2.1 Taxonomy. |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated CIPC XBRL Taxonomy 2021 (2021-10-15) v1.1. |
5 | New Taxonomy | De Netherlandsche Bank Payment Statistics (PAY) v1.0.1 Taxonomy. |
6 | Updated Taxonomies | Updated EIOPA Solvency II and Pension Funds v2.6.0 Taxonomies (Hotfix released on 3/11/2021). |
7 | Improvement | Removed old taxonomy files to reduce installer file size. |
8 | Improvement | Report Authority will now cast the XBRL “integer” type to an int64 - rather than int32. This will allow values greater than 2,147,483,647, a limit which could need to be surpassed as a row identifier in the EBA Resolution framework. |
9 | Bug Fix | Corrected EBA list of disabled validation rules where we had disabled re-activated validation rules. |
10 | Bug Fix | Fixed minor Essbase issues relating to error messages. |
20.2.8 (19 October 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | SRB 2022 Resolution Reporting. |
2 | New Taxonomy | Bank of England Statistics Taxonomy v1.2.0. |
3 | New Taxonomy | RESER_OBL entry point for the SURFI taxonomy. |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the list of disabled rules for the EBA CRD IV taxonomies. |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the list of disabled rules for the EIOPA Solvency II taxonomies. |
6 | New Functionality | Added a new SQL connection property to use table group codes (e.g. F_18.00) rather than table codes (e.g. F 18.00.a). |
7 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would result in the wrong default stated accuracy setting when creating a document for the new CBI national taxonomies. |
8 | Improvement | Added Excel validation for boolean data points to give the options for true or false. |
9 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would prevent the export of a free format document to iXBRL format. |
10 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug in the functionality to sort variable row tables when importing data from a SQL database. |
11 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would result in an iXBRL continuation error. |
12 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug in the SQL adaptor that would prevent the importing of data for countries that contain a " ' " in the country name. |
20.2.7 (1 September 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Updated Taxonomy | EBA CRD IV DPM 3.1 (Phase 2) - This release includes a hotfix for IF as well as the modular release for SBP and Resolution reporting areas. |
2 | New Taxonomy | UKSEF v1.1.0 Taxonomy |
3 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA Pension Funds v2.6.0 Taxonomy |
4 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA Solvency II v2.6.0 Taxonomy |
5 | New Taxonomy | Bank of England Banking v3.4.0 Taxonomy |
6 | New Taxonomy | De Nederlandsche Bank FBO v3.0.0 Taxonomy |
7 | New Taxonomy | De Nederlandsche Bank Macroeconomic Statistics Reporting (MESREP) Taxonomy v2.0 |
8 | Updated Taxonomy | De Nederlandsche Bank Balance Sheet Items (BSI) Taxonomy v2.0.1 |
9 | New Taxonomy | South African CIPC 2021 Taxonomy |
10 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the list of disabled rules for EIOPA Solvency II 2.6.0. and Pension Funds 2.6.0 |
11 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the list of disabled rules for EBA CRD IV 3.1 |
12 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated module names for SRB taxonomies to include the relevant reporting year. |
13 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the EBA DPM 3.0 COREP & FINREP version numbers in relation to the Errata 3 changes. |
14 | Improvements | Updated the accepted format for Institutions regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (C Code) to allow entity identifiers with the format of a 1-7 digit number as well as "C" followed by a 1-7 digit number. |
15 | Improvements | SQL Data Adaptor - Modified the generated SQL scripts to prevent the creation of duplicate contexts in the Context table. |
16 | Improvements | SQL Data Adaptor - Add Context and Data fields to SQL Adaptor Form. |
17 | Improvements | SQL Data Adaptor - Imported rows are now ordered by numeric value. |
18 | New Functionality | SQL Data Adaptor - Users can now choose a database from a list of predefined databases. |
19 | Bug Fix | Fixed the identifier scheme URL for Organisations identified by a KBO Number for Belgium entities by including the prefix "www.". |
20 | Bug Fix | Updated the schema reference for all of the SURFI Principale v1.23 taxonomy entry points to "g-SURFI-2017-12-31.xsd" as required by the Banque de France. |
21 | Bug Fix | Fixed a validation error in EBA DPM 3.0 FINREP reporting relating to validation rule v1383_m. |
22 | Bug Fix | Fixed an iXBRL continuation error relating to text block tags in the CIPC Free Format Taxonomies. |
23 | Bug Fix | Fixed an error that prevented Report Authority from exporting the document to iXBRL. |
24 | Bug Fix | Fixed an error that resulted in the TV71-1 EIOPA Solvency II Validation failure not showing in Report Authority |
25 | Bug Fix | Fixed an error where the Calculation Hierarchy pane was not displaying when selecting the related non-blocking error. |
26 | Bug Fix | Fixed an error where the Calculation Data Adaptor window did not open after dragging and dropping a calculation tag. |
27 | Bug Fix | Changed the iXBRL export of a document to use .xhtml rather than html in the ESEF Zip Package. |
20.2.6 (29 July 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | New Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.0. The CBI Taxonomy introduces XBRL versions of the PRISM Impact Metrics Data return (‘PIMD’) and FINREP return(s) currently submitted on ONR by investment firms/fund service providers. |
2 | New Taxonomy | Maturities Entry Point for the SURFI Taxonomy - 2017-12-31 |
20.2.5 (13 July 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Bugfix | Fixed a bug with the EBA DPM 3.0 Remuneration reporting module that would initialise the EBA DPM 2.10 REM taxonomy when creating a new document using the EBA DPM 3.0 REM taxonomy. |
2 | Bugfix | Fixed an issue that would prevent Report Authority from connecting to Oracle Essbase. |
20.2.4 (22 June 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | Updated Taxonomy | EBA CRD IV DPM 3.0 (Phase 2) Errata 3 - Fixes to COREP Own Funds (C 14.00) and Large Exposures (C 28.00 & C 29.00). |
2 | New Taxonomy | EBA CRD IV DPM 3.1 (Phase 1) - New reporting requirements for IF - Investment Firms (ITS on investment firms reporting and disclosure and RTS on reporting of thresholds for investment firms) |
3 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA Pension Funds 2.5.0 |
4 | New Taxonomy | UK Extension to the ESEF Taxonomy 2021 |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | UK FRC DPL (Detailed Profit & Loss) 2019 |
6 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated the list of disabled rules for EBA CRDIV (2.9 & 3.0) & EIOPA Solvency II 2.5.0. |
7 | Improvements | The Report Authority logo in the review report can be replaced with a custom logo. |
8 | Improvements | Added an organisation option of "Organisation identified by a KBO Number" for Belgium entities. |
9 | Improvements | Amended the Belgium OneGate XML envelope by removing the <XbrlDelivery> element and adding a selectable action code. |
10 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug in Report Authority's validation engine which caused an inconsistency when validating the SRB - Financial Markets Infrastructure report |
11 | Bug Fix | Fixed an issue that would prevent a valid iXBRL file from being generated. |
12 | Bug Fix | Fixed a crash that would happen if Report Authority is running on a computer/server that you then connect to with Microsoft Remote Desktop. |
20.2.3 (12 April 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EBA CRD IV DPM 3.0 (Phase 2) Errata - Updated REM, GSII & AE. Hotfix to COREP & FINREP. New MREL & Impracticability Notification reporting modules. |
2 | New Taxonomy | FRC 2021 Taxonomy Suite v1.0.0. |
3 | New Taxonomy | BOE Insurance Taxonomy v1.1. |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | DNB PMTS Reporting Taxonomy v1.2.0. |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled rules for EBA CRD IV DPM 3.0, 2.10 & 2.9. |
6 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled rules for EIOPA Solvency II 2.5.0. |
7 | Improvements | Report Authority now treats mismatch of reference date to taxonomy start and end dates as a warning, rather than a blocking issue. |
8 | Improvements | New option to replace spaces and periods with underscores when using the Auto-Map functionality for OneStream, HFM and Essbase. This allows the creation of dimension members without periods. |
9 | Improvements | Improved performance of extracting data from Oracle Essbase. Added a new connection property in order to specify if the database allows for duplicate member names. Fixed parallelisation issues that may have contributed to timeout issues. |
10 | Improvements | Added the ability for the user to amend their Essbase connection parameters as user settings which will not require administration access to the computer for application configuration file editing. |
11 | Improvements | Added a new option to automatically deal with inconsistent duplicate fact errors involving duplicate data points having values of 0 and null. |
12 | Improvements | Added a new option to round monetary facts to the nearest cent or unit when generating XBRL. This could remove the need to clear very small differences. |
13 | Improvements | When exporting iXBRL for South Africa's CIPC, we have changed the XBRL file naming convention and the title element to match the CIPC filing rules. |
14 | Improvements | Amended the file naming convention when exporting XBRL files based on EBA DPM 3.0 when exporting for the Luxembourg jurisdiction. |
15 | Improvements | Updated the XML envelope when exporting to the French ACPR as necessary with the EBA DPM 3.0 release. |
16 | Improvements | LEI code validation for submitting reports to De Nederlandsche Bank now checks only for 20 digit alphanumeric codes (and does not perform the last 2 digit checksum). This is due to the need to use non-real LEI codes for submission. |
17 | Bug Fix | Fixed an issue that would prevent the opening of a rad file when a new period context is manually added with an identical period type as one that already exists. |
18 | Bug Fix | Fixed an issue that would prevent a segment in the report from being updated by a segment change in the template. |
19 | Bug Fix | Fixed an inconsistency between Report Authority's validation results and the regulators'. This is related to Report Authority's truncation of decimal places past 8 decimal places in the XBRL instance. |
20 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would cause Report Authority to hang when right-clicking into certain table rows in a free format document. |
20.2.2 (17 February 2021)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EBA CRD IV DPM 3.0 (Phase 1) - COREP, FINREP, AE and GSII. |
2 | New Taxonomy |
National Bank of Belgium - Interest Rate Risk Taxonomy. |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | ESMA ESEF 2020 Taxonomy. |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled rules for EBA CRD IV DPM 2.9 & 2.8. |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | Removed the HMRC mandatory tags list from the SECR entry point of the SECR FRC taxonomy as the tags do not exist in this particular entry point. |
6 | Improvements | XBRL review report now includes the taxonomy entry point used. |
7 | Improvements | XBRL review report now uses XBRL standard labels rather than terse labels to avoid the uncertainty of which tag was used. |
8 | Improvements | XBRL review report now includes an extract of the value of text data objects in the table of tags to assist with the review process. |
9 | Improvements | When refreshing links for a selection of tables, Report Authority now uses a treeview rather than a flat list of tables to make it easier to select a group of tables to refresh links for. |
10 | Bug Fix | Fixed a typo in the French OneGate XML envelope where we had used S2B rather than S2P. |
11 | Bug Fix | Report Authority will now create the necessary folder if the Open Local Taxonomy File Location button is pressed and the folder does not exist. |
12 | Bug Fix | Fixed an issue that would prevent the exporting of a free format document into iXBRL or generating the XBRL review report. |
20.2.1 (28 December 2020)
No | Category | Change |
1 |
New Functionality |
OneStream Adaptor - Report Authority now has the ability to import data directly from a OneStream application. |
2 | New Functionality | ESEF Reporting Functionality - Report Authority now supports producing iXBRL submissions that meet ESMA's ESEF filing guidelines. |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Taxonomy 2.5.0 (Hotfix). |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | French RAN 1.4.1 (Solvency II French NSTs). |
5 | Updated Taxonomy | CIPC 2020 v1.2 Taxonomy. |
6 | New Taxonomy | Italian Principles Taxonomy (PCN 2018-11-04). |
7 | New Taxonomy | Mauritius Corporate Business & Registration Department Taxonomy v1.19 |
8 | New Taxonomy | SRB 2021 Resolution Taxonomy. |
9 | Improvement | Oracle Essbase - a buffer mechanism has been implemented to retrieve large blocks of data rather than calling a cell at a time. |
10 | Improvement | The SQL adaptor now supports importing data from Azure using Active Directory authentication. |
11 | Improvement | New automatic mapping functionality has been developed to automate mappings based on row and column codes. |
12 | Improvement | Improved performance when importing and validating large datasets when using the EBA's Resolution reporting framework. |
13 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would prevent some variable row tables from being imported using the SQL adaptor. |
14 | Improvement | Report Authority no longer automatically segments Word documents for each section break during importing. |
Report Authority Version 20.1
20.1.4 (9 October 2020)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | CIPC 2020 v1.1 Taxonomy. |
2 | New Taxonomy | French RAN 1.4.0 (Solvency II French NSTs). |
3 | New Taxonomy | De Nederlandsche Bank BIS Consolidated Banking Statistics - Country Risk Taxonomy v2.0.0. |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled validation rules for EBA DPM 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10. |
5 | Improvements | Amended the location of the instance-generator element inserted into the XML file generated using the Surfi XML Envelope when submitting to the French regulator. |
6 | Improvement | Adopted a new technique when exporting data from Essbase. We now export all facts from a single table group in a single call which has the ability to significantly improve performance on refresh links. |
7 | Bug Fix | The SBP IMV entry points in the EBA CRD IV DPM 2.9 taxonomy incorrectly stated it was applicable until 2020 Q3 reporting. The EBA DPM 2.10 individual and consolidated IMV entry points of the SBP reporting model MUST be used in 2020 Q3 reporting. |
20.1.3 (3 August 2020)
No | Category | Change |
1 |
New Taxonomy | EBA DPM 2.10 (Phase 2) - click here for more information. |
2 | New Taxonomy | Bank of England Statistics Taxonomy v1.1 |
3 | New Taxonomy | EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Taxonomy 2.5.0 |
4 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled validation rules for EBA DPM 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10 & EIOPA Solvency II 2.4.0 |
5 | Improvements | The path to an Excel connection can now be edited in a report linked to a template. This allows for more flexibility when connecting individual reports to different Excel workbooks. |
6 | Improvement | When creating a document using the CIPC taxonomy, we now make it easier to select the correct taxonomy entry point by showing the different options for each primary statement. |
7 | Improvement | Updated Authority Software code signing certificate as the old certificate was due to expire in October. |
8 | Improvement | Added additional debug loggin to help detectd issues during Essbase refresh links process. |
9 | Bug Fix | Some automatic calculations were omitted from dimensional tables. Automatic calculations are now created on all dimensional tables. |
10 | Bug Fix | The automatic calculation functionality would create circular references in some EIOPA Solvency II reporting modules. This would cause a circular reference being created in the Excel import template and can result in a crash in Report Authority. We strongly recommend this patch be installed if you intend to use this new functionality with Solvency II documents. |
11 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that resulted in an error message when trying to update Excel import template |
20.1.2 (20 May 2020)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | EBA DPM (Phase 1) - click here for more information. |
2 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled rules for EBA DPM 2.9 |
3 | Updated Taxonomy | Updated list of disabled rules for EBA DPM 2.9 EIOPA Solvency II 2.4.0 |
4 | Improvements | When importing data from variable row tables Report Authority now reports all rows with duplicate row dimensions rather than reporting only the first occurrence. |
5 | Improvement | When generating an Excel import template, Report Authority now adds a note containing the calculation expression to cells containing automatic calculations. |
6 | Improvement | Significantly increased the performance of adding Microsoft SQL Server adaptors to data points of existing tables. |
7 | Improvement | Significantly increased the performance of adding Excel Named Range adaptors to data points of existing tables during the create import template and auto-link functionality. |
8 | Improvement | The Update Import Template functionality is now more tolerant of changes to the order of Excel sheets. Previously the sheets Cover Page, TOC and Fact List were assumed to be the first 3 sheets. |
9 | Improvement | Automatic calculations created from validation rules that are subsequently disabled are removed from the Report Authority document. |
10 | Improvement | Report Authority now gives the option not to create a compressed XBRL file when generating output using the OneGate envelope for the French regulator. |
11 | Bug Fix | Report Authority would crash when generating an Excel Import template with automatic calculations enabled in some cases (For example having both F 08.01.a and F 08.01.b enabled from the EBA DPM 2.8 taxonomy). |
12 | Bug Fix | Fixed a logical miscalculation in the HasFallbackValue function which could result in a false positive during the validation process - discovered with v8713_m in the EBA DPM 2.9 taxonomy. |
13 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would result in a truncation of sheet labels in the Expression column of the validation panel (impacting only the display of failures - not the accuracy). |
14 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would result in automatic calculations being inserted into the wrong column in variable row tables when updating an import template create using version 19.1 of Report Authority. |
15 | Bug Fix | Automatic calculations were erroneously set up at the same scale as the source data scale setting. For documents created with a source data scale of Thousands, the calculation result was incorrectly multiplied by 1000. |
16 | Bug Fix | Fixed a bug that would cause Report Authority to crash when exporting data to Excel in documents with very large data sets in variable row tables. |
20.1.1 (27 March 2020)
No | Category | Change |
1 | New Taxonomy | New National Bank of Belgium Solvency II NST for Interest Rate Risk. |
2 | New Functionality | Microsoft SQL Server Adaptor |
3 | New Functionality | Report Authority now gives an option to automate template totals and subtotals. |
4 | New Functionality | When generating an XBRL document, the option for compressing it into a zip file is now available. |
5 | New Functionality | Report Authority now has the ability to automatically tag free format tables, such as Income Statements and Balance Sheets. |
6 | New Functionality | When validating a document, Report Authority will now also validate the calculation linkbase (if one exists). Currently, this impacts the CIPC and ESEF free-format taxonomies. |
7 | Improvements | Report Authority will automatically update the list of disabled validation rules in existing documents base on the list of disabled rules included in the software release. |
8 | Improvement | The Display Name columns in variable row tables are now omitted from Excel import templates. |
9 | Improvement | When creating a new document, you can set the scale of your source data. Previously this was determined by a user setting that was not transparent. |
10 | Improvement | Report Authority will now only report failures when validating for a single table (but the previous behavior can be restored by changing an application setting). This change was made due to the long time it could take to report all rule passes in very large variable row tables. |
11 | Improvement | When validating the document, Report Authority will pause if any inconsistent duplicate fact errors are detected before continuing. The presence of inconsistent duplicate fact errors often causes unexpected results in taxonomy validation results. |
12 | Improvement | The file naming convention when generating files for the Luxembourg regulator has been updated to support the EBA DPM 2.9 taxonomy and the SRB v4.0 taxonomy. |
13 | Improvement | Report Authority will remove any leading or trailing whitespace in identifier scheme URLs entered manually to prevent rejection by regulators. |
14 | Improvement | You can now select the taxonomy you wish to use as you create your free-format documents. |
15 | Improvement | Some shortcut keys have been remapped to prevent the issue where special characters could not be typed with the Alt key modifier. |