Importing a Document to Convert to XBRL/iXBRL
Report Authority can import a document created externally for the purpose of conversion to XBRL or iXBRL. Report Authority needs the document to be in DOCX format to import.
What about documents in PDF format?
If the document you need to import is in PDF format, we recommend using a free online service (such as this service) to convert your PDF document into DOCX format.
What about Excel documents?
If the document you need to convert to XBRL or iXBRL format is an Excel workbook, possibly spanning a number of worksheets, we recommend the following:
- Ensure the print range is set correctly in each worksheet which forms part of the document to be converted.
- Select all sheets that form part of the document to be converted. Click the first sheet, hold shift, click the last sheet.
- Click print, but select a PDF printer or export to PDF format.
Convert the PDF document to DOCX as described above.
Importing the document
Click File > New. Please note that the new document wizard will have additional controls relevant only if you have purchased the Report Writing functionality. This article only deals with the functionality specific to the conversion of an existing document use-case.
Step 1 - Report
Browse... Click here to browse for the DOCX file for conversion. A convert to PDF hyperlink to a free online service is included in the case that you need to first convert from PDF to DOCX.
XBRL Output and Taxonomy Selection
Select the appropriate taxonomy entry point to use.
Extension taxonomy URL: This will appear if you select a taxonomy that requires extensions, such as ESMA's ESEF taxonomy. This is required for the extension taxonomy ad a valid URL is required. Input your company's main URL.
Step 2 - Entity
- Entity name: Type in the name of the entity.
- Country of incorporation: Select the country of incorporation of the entity.
- Type of organisation: Select the type of organisation.
This list is updated to reflect the types of organisations identified in the selected country of incorporation. - Identifier scheme URL: This is required for XBRL output. This will be automatically populated based on the type of organisation selected, with the exception of “Other” where the appropriate Identifier scheme URL must be supplied.
A scheme URL is just a convenient string of characters that uniquely identifies an organisation that administers a registration scheme - it may link to a relevant part of that organisation’s website, but it doesn’t have to. The input must be a valid URL format. - Entity identifier: Input the entity identifier relevant for the type of organisation. This must conform to the selected identifier scheme validation.
The entity identifier can be mapped to source system concepts such as entity codes in HFM or other source systems via the mapping panel (see External Data Connections for more information on mapping values).
Step 3 - Period
- Reporting date: Enter the reporting year-end date.
Report Authority assumes a 12 month reporting period for both the current and previous period. Adjust the dates if they are not appropriate.
Step 4 - Defaults
- Monetary unit: Enter the reporting currency.
- Monetary presentation scale: Enter the scale that the monetary items are presented in the primary statements. If monetary items of different scales need to be tagged, all tags will be given this scale by default but this default can be overridden on an object by object basis. See Tag Attributes - Scale
- Monetary scale of source data: This is not applicable to the use case of converting existing accounts from a DOCX file. This is only relevant if using Report Authority as a report writer and this refers to the scale that data exists in linked source systems.
Taxonomy Sections
This will only be visible in the following cases:
- ESMA ESEF reporting: This taxonomy contains only 1 entry point which contains 2 variations of 4 of the primary statements. Based on this selection, the taxonomy sections (roles will be automatically enabled. See xx. Once the report is created, roles can be enabled or disabled if an incorrect selection was made in this form.
- South Africa CIPC. The CIPC taxonomy contains 16 entry points which represent permutations for the 2 variations of the 4 primary statements. Based on this selection, the appropriate entry point will be used. Once the document has been created, the entry point can be changed using the Select Taxonomy form if an incorrect selection was made in this form.
Create Document
When the Create Document button is clicked, Report Authority will import all content from the DOCX file and open the appropriate taxonomy for XBRL tagging. No changes are made to the source DOCX file.