Tagging Report Content - Auto-Tagging


Report Authority contains the ability to automatically monetary facts that exist in a table.  Report Authority will use the text in the left-most column to search for an appropriate tag as follows:

  1. Firstly it will search for a single tag with a label that exactly matches the text in the table.
  2. Secondly, if no exact match was found, it will search for a single tag whos label starts with the text found in the table.  If a single match is found, it will use that tag.
  3. Lastly, if no single match was found, it will search for a single tag whos label ends with the text found in the table.  If a single match is found, it will use that tag.

Taxonomy Sections

For taxonomies that require extensions, Report Authority's auto-tag functionality will only search for tags that appear in enabled taxonomy sections (roles). See this article for more information.

Note column in tables

The auto-tag functionality needs to know if the table has a note column. It if does, Report Authority needs to know to skip the column and not try to tag note cross-references.  By default, the table will be assumed to have a note column as is the case in most primary statements.

You can specify whether the table to be tagged has a note column in the Insert Objects split button on the Home ribbon.

Auto-tagging a table

To auto-tag a table, firstly, draw a selection down the description column for rows you wish to be tagged:

Secondly, ensure the correct setting for whether the table has a note column or not. See the above section titled Note column in tables.

Lastly, click the AutoTag Table Content command in the Insert Object(s) split button in the Home ribbon.

Report Authority will tag all rows that contain text which it can find a matching tag as described in the Overview above.  Any rows left untagged because no match was found must be manually tagged.

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