4.2 Paragraph Styles

Paragraph Styles

Report Authority contains a number of “out-the-box” styles which have been designed to work together to create financial reports.  Styles that end in (i) are indented versions and are used in the Notes to the accounts.  

The styles and their use include:

Style Use
Normal & Normal (i) This is to be used as normal paragraph text and is justified and contains spacing after the paragraph to separate it from the previous paragraph.
No Spacing & No Space(i) This is the same as “Normal” but does not contain any spacing after the paragraph.  This should be used when listing directors or writing addresses etc.
Heading 1-3 & Heading 1-3(i) Styles to be used as headings.
Note This is used for the heading of disclosure notes and is automatically applied when using the Insert - > Note number functionality.  It includes a tab stop so that the note number is against the margin but the text indented with the other (i) styles.
Title & Subtitle Used to create the report title and subtitle on the cover page.
Page Header, Page Sub header and Page Footer For use in headers and footers.

Editing Styles

All styles are based on the “Normal” style, and changing the font family of Normal will change all styles accordingly.

To edit a style, click the small square Change Styles button at the bottom right of the control above.

Table Styles

The Financial Tables functionality described in the article 

Indentation Distance

You can edit the distance from the margin that the indented styles are set to in File - Options - Report Styles - Distance from left margin used by indented paragraphs and table styles

This will not only adjust the distance of the indentation of the styles consistent but will also adjust the indented table style to match.

Pagination Considerations

Keep with next

All Report Authority heading styles have been configured with the paragraph property Keep with next set to true. This is so that if the paragraph immediately followings it breaks to the next page - the Header will follow it rather than being the last thing on the previous page. This paragraph style can be added to any paragraph by editing the paragraph properties shown below:

Keep lines together

This setting (also accessible through the paragraph properties dialog above) can be used effectively in conjunction with the Keep with next property to keep intact the entire contents of a paragraph on a single page along with the header that preceded it.  Since this behaviour is not always desired - it is not included in any of the paragraph styles and will need to be manually applied.

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