12.1 Introduction to Templating

Sometimes it is a requirement to produce many similar reports, for example for every subsidiary in the group.  To minimise the burden of the creation and maintenance of each report separately, a template can be created and used as a basis for creating your reports.

Templates and content suppression

Through the use of content suppression, a single template can be used to create many reports, each with varying degree content.

For example, not every subsidiary may have balances to report for property, plant and equipment. But because some might - the template would need to contain:

  • A line item in the statement of financial position for property plant and equipment;
  • A property, plant and equipment accounting policy, and
  • A property plant and equipment disclosure note.

By creating a suppression rule and applying it to document content, for subsidiaries without any property, plant and equipment the content can be automatically suppressed from all output. Please refer to these articles for more information.

Templates and XBRL tagging

The burden to manually ag each subsidiary reporting is drastically reduced through the use of templates.

The template can be XBRL tagged and all reports will inherit fully tagged report content. Tags can even be changed in the template and cascaded to all subsidiary accounts through the refresh links process.

Report Consistency

Content which needs to be consistent in all subsidiary accounts can be isolated into its own segment, and the segment locked for editing in each individual report.

Changes to this content must be performed in the template which will result in it cascading to each individual report via the Refresh Links process.

Setting the template location

In order to use templates, the location of the template folder must be set in the File-> Options dialog. 

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