Reporting Entities


An organisation (or a client in the case that practice management is enabled) can have multiple reporting entities defined.  Typically a reporting entity will be created for each separately regulated entity at an institution.  To see and edit the list of reporting entities applicable to the organisation or client, click the Reporting Entities button on the service's home page (in the case that practice management is disabled) or on a client's home page (in the case that practice management is enabled):

Once clicked, the following page will load:

All users will see the complete list of Reporting Entities - even if they do not have access.  Not having access to a reporting entity will prevent a user from opening a report for that reporting entity.


For organisations on the Gold subscription tier, access to a reporting entity's reports can be restricted.  This restriction applies only to users that have a Delegate role. Admin users will have full access to all reports and can add, edit or delete reporting entities. 

A delegate with access to the client will see all reporting entities - even if they do not have access.  Not having access will prevent the delegate from opening the report.

Creating a Reporting Entity

Only admin users can create a reporting entity by clicking the + button on the top right of the table. The following form will appear: Name: Provide a name for the reporting entity.  The name must be unique.

Country: Provide a country for the reporting entity. This will determine the list of identifier schemes that will be available in the following 'Identifier Scheme' combobox.

Identifier Scheme: The service will list all the pre-configured ways an entity can identify itself at its regulator in the country chosen in the previous step.  It may be a national identifier scheme, such as a UK FRN number or a Swedish Institute Number, or a supernational scheme such as an LEI code.  You must follow the filing manual issued by your regulator as failure to use the correct scheme will result in the rejection of your submission.  For any scheme not pre-configured in the service, you can select the Other option but you will need to manually provide the Identifier Scheme URL in the next step according to the regulator's filing manual.

Identifier Scheme URL: This is a URL used in the XBRL output and directly corresponds to the identifier scheme selected in the previous step.  A pre-configured Identifier Scheme URL will be automated and disabled for editing unless Other is selected as the identifier scheme.  If Other is selected as the Identifier Scheme, this will become editable and a valid URL consistent with the regulator's filing manual must be entered.  The service will only validate that the entry is in a valid URL format.

Identifier: Enter the reporting entity's identifier consistent with the chosen identifier scheme.  For example, if the UK FRN Number scheme is selected, enter a 6-digit number.  If LEI code, enter a 20-digit alpha-numeric identifier.  The service will validate that the identifier conforms with the requirement of the identifier scheme.  If Other is selected as the identifier scheme, the service will only validate that the identifier is not null.

Type: Select either Solo(Individual) or Group(Consolidated). Some reporting modules have different entry points for consolidated entities as for individual entities. This setting will determine which version the service uses for this reporting entity.  For reporting modules that do not have variations for individual or consolidated entities, this setting will have no effect,

Year End: Enter the year-end day and month of the reporting entity. This only has an impact on Reporting Modules that are impacted by a reporting entity's year-end - for example Solvency II QRTs.  For reporting modules that are calendar-based - where Q1 is always 31 March and Q4 is always 31 December, (for example CRD IV), this has no impact.

Archive: This is a toggle button.  If true, you cannot edit any existing reports for this reporting entity and you cannot create any new reports.

User Groups: (Only visible if subscribed to the Gold tier). By default, the All Users system group will be assigned.  To restrict access to this reporting entity, remove this system group and add one or more user-defined user groups.  See XXXX

Users: (Only visible if subscribed to the Gold tier). You can grant access to this reporting entity to one or more individual users.

Note - access to a reporting entity is granted if a user is assigned directly OR they are a member of an assigned user group.  

Editing and Deleting a Reporting Entity

Only admin users can edit or delete a reporting entity.  Please note that deleting a reporting entity will delete all data for the reporting entity, including all reports.  If the reporting entity is dormant and no longer needs to report, you can archive it instead which will retain its historical reports.

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