Report Management
Creating a Report
A report can be created using the New Report Button on the Reporting Modules page:
When clicked, the following form will open:
Reporting entity
Select from the list of available reporting entities. Please note:
- In any period, only a single report can be created for a reporting entity.
- You cannot create any new reports for archived reporting entities.
Reporting Period
- Select the year and period from the available list open periods.
- The reference date will be defaulted but can be overrridden.
The reference date is defaulted based on the reporting module's property Reference Date Determination and the reporting entity's property Year End as follows:
- If the reporting module's property Reference Date Determination is "Calendar Based", then the default reference date will be determined based on the calendar month. e.g. M1 = 31 January, Q1 & M3 = 31 March, Q2, M6 & H1 = 30 June & M12, Q4, H2 & FY = 31 December etc.
- If the reporting module's property Reference Date Determination is "Reporting Entity's Financial Year End", then the default reference date will be based on the period and the reporting entities year end. e.g, if the reporting entity's year-end is 31 March, then M12, Q4, H2 & FY will be 31 March. M1 will be 30 April etc.
Reporting Module Version
The service will list all the different versions of the reporting module that are available. If the applicability dates are known, the service will default the correct version based on the reference date selected in the previous section. It will also warn the user if the version selected may not be applicable for the selected reference date.
Report Settings
- Reporting Currency - this is defaulted based on the reporting entity's Country property.
- Scale of Monetary Source Data. This will be defaulted according to the Organisation's settings. If Units, 100 in the source data will be interpreted as 100 for monetary data objects. If Thousands, 100 in the source data will be interpreted as 100000.
- Stated Accuracy in XBRL. This will be defaulted according to the Organisation's settings. It may not be applicable, and therefore hidden, in some reporting modules. It directly relates to the decimals property in the XBRL. If Units, decimals = "0", if Thousands, Decimals = "-3". This allows you to claim that the reported value is only accurate to the thousands - even though you are reporting values to the units. This has the implications of allowing greater tolerance for small differences in validation results.
Duplicating Reports
A report can be duplicated by clicking on the Duplicate action button:
Duplicating a report is useful if you wish to create a report for another reporting entity that has very similar report properties and template collection as an existing report. Similar to copying reports when new periods are created - not all data is copied. Please refer the Period Management Article for more information on what information is copied.
Deleting Reports
A report can be deleted using the Delete Report action button:
This cannot be undone.
Opening a Report
A report can be opened by double-clicking on it, clicking on the Progress bar, or by clicking on the Open Report action button:
The first time a report is