9.1 Overview
When creating a template to be used by many reporting entities, such as subsidiaries, the template must contain the total of all the disclosures that will be included in every report.
However, for any one particular reporting entity, likely, much of the content in the template is not relevant. For example, it may only be a few entities that have property, plant and equipment. For those that do not, the following would not want to be included in their report:
- The property plant and equipment row in the statement of financial position.
- The property plant and equipment accounting policy.
- The property plant and equipment disclosure note.
What can be suppressed?
This content can be excluded from the output by using the content suppression functionality. Suppression can be applied on:
- Individual table rows and columns
- Entire segments
- Entire folders of segments
Methods for content suppression
Content can be suppressed using any of the following methiods.
- A suppression rule can be created which resolves to either true (suppress) or false (do not suppress). This rule can be applied to table rows or columns, segments, or folders of segments.
- A custom report variable of type Yes/No can be created and assigned to table rows or columns, segments, or folders of segments. A value of true will suppress, a value of false will not suppress.
- A table row or column can be suppressed using the shortcut "suppress if all values are zero".
- A segment can be suppressed using the shortcut "suppress if all values are zero".
- A segment or a folder of segments can be suppressed using the Hide property.