5.4 Stated Accuracy (XBRL Decimals Attribute)

When creating a report, the “Stated Accuracy” setting determines the decimal XBRL property for the monetary facts in your report. This setting directly impacts the threshold for when small differences in validation expressions result in failures.

The less precise you claim your monetary facts to be (while staying compliant with regulatory requirements), the greater the tolerance for small validation discrepancies. Reporting with less claimed precision, can significantly reduce the number of minor discrepancies you need to address.

This only applies to validation rules specifically configured to use interval arithmetic by the taxonomy creators. It also does not apply to the inconsistent duplicate fact checks.

By setting the Stated Accuracy to the least precise that will be accepted by your supervisor , you can streamline your reporting process and significantly reduce validation failures, saving time and effort.

How It Works

For example, consider a validation rule testing the expression:

D1 = D2 + D3 + D4

Stated Accuracy set to units

If you set your Stated Accuracy to Units and are reporting in Euros, interval arithmetic adds ±€0.50 to the threshold for each reported fact on both sides of the equation.

For this example:

±€0.50 (D1) + (±€0.50 + ±€0.50 + ±€0.50 for D2, D3, D4) = ±€2.00.

Any difference equal to or less than €2.00 will pass validation.

Stated Accuracy set to thousands

Alternatively, if the Stated Accuracy is set to Thousands, interval arithmetic adds ±€500 to the threshold for each reported fact:

For this example:

±€500 (D1) + (±€500 + ±€500 + ±€500 for D2, D3, D4) = ±€2,000.

In this case, only discrepancies exceeding €2,000 will trigger a validation failure.

As part of the EBA’s filing rules update on the 1st July 2024, the minimum precision requirement will be reduced from Thousands to Tens of Thousands, starting 1st April 2025. This change reflects a shift towards accepting less precise data to enhance reporting efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I reduce the number of validation rules I need to resolve?

Set the Stated Accuracy to the least precise setting your supervisor allows for the report.

How do I know the acceptable Stated Accuracy settings for my supervisor?

Supranational Reporting (e.g., EBA & EIOPA taxonomies)

For supranational reporting (such as EBA & EIOPA taxonomies) your national supervisor will have to at the very least meet the accuracy requirements of EBA & EIOPA as published in their filing manuals:

EBA Rules:

  • Millions or more accurate: Modules such as Funding Plans, ESG, and Pillar 3.
  • Thousands or more accurate: All other modules.
  • Tens of Thousands or more accurate: All other modules after 31/03/2025.

EIOPA Rules:

EIOPA’s requirements are more complex, as accuracy varies by table and the size of the reported facts.

For EIOPA reporting, use the “EIOPA Filing Rules” setting in DPM Authority. This automates the assignment of the decimals attribute.

National Supervisors

Your national supervisor may have stricter accuracy requirements than EBA or EIOPA. Consult your supervisor’s filing instructions for guidance.

If specific guidance isn’t available, you can file based on EBA’s requirements. If rejected due to insufficient accuracy, simply adjust the Stated Accuracy (see below) and resubmit.

Do I have to adjust the numbers being reported?

No. This setting does not alter the values you report. You must always report precise values, such as €1,234,567.89. Setting Stated Accuracy to Thousands simply means the validation tolerances will be adjusted accordingly.

How do I change the stated accuracy setting in an existing report?

To update the Stated Accuracy setting within an existing report:

  • Select any monetary fact in your document.
  • Use the Value Editor panel to adjust the Stated Accuracy.

This change will apply to all monetary facts in the document, not just the selected one.

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