1.1 Introduction to DPM Authority

DPM Authority produces XBRL instance documents based on taxonomies built using the Data Point Model methodology.

DPM Authority contains a comprehensive list of Data Point Model taxonomies released by the European Banking Association (EBA), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) as well as local taxonomies published by specific national authorities.


Data can be entered manually with real-time validation or automated by linking to data sources such as Microsoft Excel, Oracle HFM, Oracle Essbase or relational databases such as Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL.

DPM Authority utilises the taxonomies and the accompanying validation rules to create interactive validation functionality. The validation function directs you to any data quality errors which are clearly displayed and can be grouped, filtered and exported to assist with their resolution.

Reports can be exported to XBRL format for submission to national supervisory authorities.

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