Primary Tags Panel - Overview and Searching For Tags
The primary tags panel presents the taxonomy as intended by the taxonomy author. This is technically referred to as the "Presentation Linkbase":
The technical names for each tag can be seen by hovering the mouse over the tag until the tooltip appears. Press the Escape key to collapse the tree back to the default position.
Press the Escape key twice if you have a search active - the first to clear the search, the second to collapse the tree.
A tag will often appear in more than one place in the taxonomy. If it does - there is no difference between using the tag from different parts in the hierarchy - they are the same tag. The right-click contextual menu provides some very useful shortcuts to navigate the tree view and to copy taxonomy labels for documentation and review purposes.
Taxonomies tags come in different tag types. These tag types are indicated by the tags’ icon. Some taxonomies may have tag labels in more than one language. To switch languages click on the language button to the right of the search box.
Tag usage indicator
When a document is open, a bookmark usage indicator will appear to the left of the tag icon:
The usage indicator has three states:
- Grey – The tag has not been used, and does not contain any used children.
- Half red – The tag has not been used, but at least one of its children has.
- Red – The tag has been used.
Please note that because a tag may be repeated many times in different sections of the taxonomy, using it from one section will update the usage indicator for all sections.
Use the search functionality to locate a primary tag by clicking into the search box or pressing the F3 shortcut key.
Type words without quotation marks to find tags containing these specific words. e.g. A search on “legal name” (without the quotation marks) will match the tag “Entity current legal or registered name”
Use quotation marks to search for an exact term, e.g. “trading name”. This will only retrieve results with that exact term in the tag’s label. Combine words and “search terms” in a single search – to help refine your search.
Report Authority uses both the tag’s label and its technical name when searching for matches. This is why, for example, when you search for “gri” in the GRI taxonomy, all tags are reported as matches since their technical name always begin with “gri-“
To help locate tags which you are not sure how they may have been labelled - search only for the stems of the key words that are likely to be used - in any order. E.g. Searching for "tang gain" (without the quotation marks), will match the tag “Gains / (losses) on disposal of tangible fixed assets”.
Another way to use the searching functionality is to use it in a localised way. E.g. If you are looking for a tax loss related tag for the tax rate reconciliation - rather than searching the entire taxonomy for the tag - navigate to the tax rate reconciliation section of the taxonomy and search for "loss". All tags that contain this word will stand out instantly.
Click the up and down arrows or use the "Ctrl + ]" and the "Ctrl + [" shortcut keys to automatically cycle through the matches. Hold shift as well if you only want to find matches that can be used in actual tags (ie. skip over abstract tags and grouping headers).
You can use text in the document as a basis for your search. First highlight the text in the document, and right-click. Select Tags - Suggest Tags:
When a search is active, the tag icons change to indicate the results of the search:
Tags which have a golden glow, such as “Entity current legal or registered name” above are matches, and if parents, none of their children are matches. When navigating search results, the gold glow indicates that it is not necessary to expand the matched tag to find further matches.
Tags which have a silver glow, such as “Entity names [heading]” above are matches and are parents with children that match too. When navigating search results, the silver glow indicates that it may be necessary to expand the matched tag to find further matches.
Tags which are solid but have no glow, such as “Entity information [heading]” above are parents with children that match. When navigating search results, solid icons indicate that it is necessary to expand the tag to find the matches.
Tags which are slightly transparent, such as “Entity identifying codes [heading]” above do not have children that match. When navigating search results, a slightly transparent icon indicates that it is not necessary to expand the tag to find any matches.
To cancel a search, click the button marked with an "X" or press the Escape key.