Tagging Report Content - Applying Numeric Tags
There are a number of different numeric tags such as:
- Monetary tags (decimal values that you must provide a currency code)
- Decimal tags (decimal values that you must provide a unit for - often "pure")
- Integer tags (whole numbers that you must provide a unit for - often "pure")
Taxonomies can define their own numeric types, such as non-negative integers etc.
When applying a numeric tag, Report Authority will automatically apply a default unit. If a monetary tag, it will be the default currency specified when the document was created, otherwise "pure". It is very rare to have to assign a unit other than the default. To change the unit, please see the article titled Tag Attributes.
Validity of numbers
Report Authority will not tag a string of text with a numeric tag that does not make up a valid number. Furthermore, once a number has been tagged, the Document Anchor is protected and you cannot edit the number on the report itself to prevent an invalid number being created after the tag was applied.
Editing and Formatting of dates
Since you cannot edit the number manually on the face of the report, you must use the value panel to edit the value or the format of the number.
Tagging Numbers in Paragraphs
To tag a number with a numeric tag, you can;
- drag the tag and drop it onto any number in a paragraph; or
- select the number and click the Insert Tag button on the Home ribbon; or
- select the number and hit the Ctrl + t shortcut key combination.
Report Authority will escape any prefixes such as "£"s or "€"s and suffixes such as "%", "m", "k" etc.
Tagging Current and Prior Period Values at the Same Time
To tag both current and prior period values in a table with the same tag at the same time, you can;
- drag the numeric tag and drop it onto the current period column while holding the Alt key modifier (release the mouse before releasing the Alt key); or
- select both current and prior period columns and use the Ctrl + Alt + t shortcut key combination.
In this video,
- the first pair of tags were tagged individually,
- the second pair of tags were performed via drag and drop whilst holding down the Alt modifier key,
- the second par of tags was performed with the Ctrl + Alt + t shortcut key combination
- the third set of tags were all performed with a single Ctrl + Alt + t shortcut key combination. This illustrates a key technique for reducing the time it takes to tag a document. Since all rows utilise the same primary tag but require a different secondary tag, rather than changing the secondary tag before applying the tag to each row separately, it is faster to apply identical tags to all rows then modifying their properties on a row by row basis.
Tagging Opening, Movement or Closing Balances in a Table at the Same Time
In this scenario - unlike the current and prior period scenario, the period should be the same across the row - either opening, movement or closing. To tag a cell, plus all the cells to the right with the identical tag, you can
- drag the numeric tag and drop it onto the leftmost numeric cell whilst holding the Ctrl key modifier (release the mouse before releasing the Ctrl key); or
- select the entire row and use the Ctrl + t shortcut key combination.
In this video, we were able to create XX unique tags but first applying identical tags to the rows, then modifying the secondary tags of each column. This is a significant time saver as opposed to applying each tag one-by-one.