Tagging Report Content - Block Tagging Entire Segments or Folder of Segments
Block Tagging a Segment
If you need to apply a text tag to the entire content of a segment - you can tag the segment directly rather than tagging the content inside the segment.
Ultimately there is no difference in outcome between the two approaches, however it is easier to edit segment content without having the XBRL tag's start and end markers being in the way.
For this reason, it would be preferable to tag the segment directly.
Tagging the segment directly
There are two methods to tag a segment.
- Drag a text tag and drop it onto the segment in the Outline Panel.
- Drag a text tag onto the report editor whilst holding the Alt modifier key. Release the mouse button before the Alt key is released and the tag will be applied to the segment instead of the content inside the segment.
You can tell is a segment has been tagged by the tag indicator on the segment icon:
Notice in the screenshot above, the "Cover page" segment has been tagged.
Deleting segment tags
You can delete a segment's tags in the segment's property panel:
Block Tagging a Folder of Segments
You you require a text tag to span content that appears in more than one segment, the only way to do this is to group each segment into a folder, and then apply the text tag to the folder.
Tagging a folder
To tag a folder, drag and drop a text tag and drop it directly onto the folder in the Outline panel.
Deleting folder tags
You can delete a folder's tags in the segment's property panel.