3.3 Data Point Values

Value Editor Panel

The Value Editor panel appears when a data point is selected. The Value Editor panel controls where the value comes from, what it represents, and how it is displayed. Some of the fields will differ depending on the type of data point. The below image is the value panel for numeric data points:


Data adaptors are the internal or external data connections that integrate with DPM Authority to automate or import data. The Adaptor field allows you to select the data adaptor to be used for determining the data point’s value. The default setting for a new document will be "Manual". The data adaptors available will depend on which adaptors are included in your licence file. (See External Data Connections for more information on data adaptors.)

Source value

If the Adaptor of the data point is “Manual”, this field will be editable and will be used to manually input the value of the selected data point. If the data adaptor is from an external data connection, the value in this field represents the last valid value saved for the selected data point from the data connection. DPM Authority will prevent the input of an invalid value using validations, drop-down lists or calendar controls.

If the value of a data adaptor, which previously returned “1,000” in a monetary data point, now returns “1 January 2011”, the value will be invalid, and the data point’s value will remain “1,000”.  The user will be made aware of the issue during the refresh links process.

Source scale

When producing reports, it is common to interface with a number of different data sources. These data sources may not always be in the same scale.  Use the source scale drop-down list to specify what the scale of the source data is.  

E.g. if “1,000” in the data source represents “1,000,000” in absolute terms, set the source scale equal to “’000s (Thousands)”.

Set the default source scale to be the same as the most commonly used data source in the File - Options box. This will reduce the need for adjusting this value each time a data object is created.

Stated accuracy

Use this field to specify what the stated accuracy is of the number being reported.  

Even if your source data is accurate to units, using a stated accuracy of thousands will give you tolerances when validating and should remove the need for eliminating rounding differences. For example, reporting a number of "12,345.67" with a stated accuracy of thousands, when validating, the value will be considered anywhere between 12,499.99 and 11,500.00. Please refer to the filing instructions from your regulator and we recommend using thousands if it is allowed.

A value reported with a stated accuracy of thousands will have the XBRL attribute decimals="-3"  applied.

For monetary data objects, this value will default to be equal to the value specified in the New Document wizard and can be changed by clicking on the button to the right, or in the Options box.  Percentages will default to Percentages and all other numerical data objects will be defaulted to “Units”.

Rounding adjustment

Use the rounding adjustment to adjust the value for rounding differences.  As mentioned in the Stated Accuracy section above, XBRL does allow for tolerances for rounding differences. You can use this control to adjust the value to clear any validation failures.

Reverse signage

The reverse signage checkbox can be used to reverse the signage of the source value:

This is useful when, for example, the signage convention in the source trial balance has a negative for credit balances, and it is a requirement that creditors are shown as positive values in the report.

The product of all of the fields up to here determines the actual value which will be used in the XBRL output which is the value displayed as rounded up or down to the significant digit.

Editing Multiple Data Points

You can use the “Data objects” view in the “Tags” panel to edit the data point settings of multiple data points in a single action:

This is useful for:

  • Changing the destination scale of each data point.
  • Changing the data adaptor for a range of data points.
  • Any other changes which can be applied to multiple data points.

First, select the rows to be edited, either by:

  • Holding ctrl and clicking on each item, or
  • Sorting, grouping or filtering so that each container to be edited is on top of one another.  Select the top row, hold shift, and click the bottom row.

Then double-click on the cell to be edited in the last selected row – enter the appropriate value, and press enter:

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