5.1 Report Variables
Report Variables can be used to automate Report Content. They can be dragged from the automation panel and dropped anywhere into the main body of the report.
Dragging and dropping a report variable creates a data object on the report (or changes the Data adaptor of existing Data Objects). Data objects can be XBRL tagged, linked to external data sources, calculated or used in other calculations. (See Data Objects).
Data objects cannot exist in page headers or footers so in order to automate the content within, cross-references must be used (see Cross-referencing).
A report variable can be dragged from the automation panel and dropped onto the report:
- If dropped onto an existing data object, its adaptor will change to reference the report variable.
- If dropped onto text in a report, the text will be replaced by a data object referencing the report variable.
Standard Report Variables
There are many standard report variables based on the current document properties that can be used to automate elements in the report ranging from report and entity names and IDs, default currencies and scaling, period end dates etc.
The advantage to using these standard report variables is tat they will in in sync with the current document's properties. i.e. if you chnage the reporting entities name - or the report's start and end dates, all data objects assigned to this report variable will automatically update.
Custom Report Variables
In addition to the standard report variable, custom report variables can be created. These custom report variables are very useful to:
- automate report content that needs to be consistent. For example, a custom report variable can be created for the report's approval date, and this custom report variable can be used to update the date of signing of the Stategic Report, the Directors' Report, and the approval date of the balance sheet. Updating the value of the custom report variable will update all data objects using the updated custom report variable; and
- drive suppression rules. Suppression rules can created based on the value of a custom report variable. For example, a custom variable of type "list" can be created for the type of the subsidiary. The list could have items "LLP" or "PLC". Suppression rules can be created based on the value of this custom report variable and used to suppress the Directors' Report or the Members' Report as appropriate.
Creating a Report Variable
To create a report variable, activate the Custom Variable panel and click Add:
Name: Type the name of the custom variable. It must be unique.
Type: Select the type of Report Varible. The following types are available:
- Text. Can contain any text
- List. The custom variable's value can only be one of the pre-defined list items.
- Date. The custom variable can only be a valid date.
- Number. The custom variable can contain only a valid number.
- Yes/No. The custom value can be either true or false based on a checkbox.
Please note that custom variables of type "Yes/No" can be used directly to suppress content without having to first create a suppression rule. Since suppression rules return either a True or a False, suppression rules and custom variables of type Yes/No can be attached to segment, table rows and columns.
Items: (Only visible if cutom variable is of type "List". You can enter all acceptable values delimeted with a semi-colon.
Value: The value of the Report Variable. This could be a text box, combobox, checkbox or calendar control depending on the type of custom variable.
Editing the Value of a Custom Variable
The value if a custom variable can be edited by clicking on the Edit buton, or direclty in the Custom Variables panel:
Once the value is edited, the report will be updated with the variable's new value.