Importing the prepared AFS into Report Authority for conversion

Once the source AFS has been prepared or converted to Docx format, and the layout has been reviewed and verified to be absent of any significant conversion artifacts (as outlined in this article), it can be imported into Report Authority for tagging.  To do so, click File -> New -> New Document to open the New Document wizard.

See this article for help on the New Document wizard.

ESEF specific considerations in the New Document wizard


In Step 1, you must select the appropriate taxonomy:

Some jurisdictions have slightly different expectations regarding the naming convention of the ESEF files, for example, in the UK and Portugal.  You must select the ESEF taxonomy from within the applicable jurisdiction in these cases.  For all other jurisdictions who abide by ESMA's official filing manual, you should choose the ESEF taxonomy under the European jurisdiction.

Import Extended Taxonomy

If you have another document which already has the extended taxonomy, for example, last year's accounts or a document based on an early draft of the accounts, click browse and point to the file.  Report Authority will:

  • Import the extended taxonomy including extension tags.
  • Import the presentation and calculation hierarchy.
  • Import the enhanced autotag table data.

If you are importing from last year's AFSs, it may be tagged using the previous version of the ESEF taxonomy.  Once the document is created you can migrate to a newer version of the taxonomy by clicking on the Select Taxonomy button on the home ribbon.

Extension taxonomy URL

The "Extension taxonomy URL" is a technical requirement for your extended taxonomy that Report Authority will produce as part of the ESEF format export.  Insert your company's fully qualified main internet domain including the "http://" prefix.


In step 2 of the New Document wizard, all documents prepared in ESEF format are required to use the LEI code identifier scheme.

Taxonomy Sections

In Step 4 of the New Document Wizard, the following options are presented:

In four of the five primary statements, the ESEF taxonomy contains two variations of each.  The answer to question 1 and to questions 3 to 5 assist Report Authority's auto-tagging functionality in knowing which variation is applicable.

The statement of comprehensive income and other comprehensive income can be combined into a single statement or disclosed separately.  The answer to question 2 will be used by Report Authority to create the primary statement sections (or "roles") in your extended taxonomy.  

For example, if disclosed separately, the following sections will be created automatically:

If combined as a single statement is selected, the following sections will be created automatically:

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