1.6 Introducing DPM Authority 14.1


This article explains the changes to DPM Authority in version 14.1, focusing on the user interface improvements in several key areas:

  • Table initialisation and deletion
  • Table navigation
  • Validation results display

Table initialisation

Previously, initialising and deleting tables used the same control.  In DPM Authority 14.1, there is now a dedicated control to initialise tables, whilst deleting tables in now done in the new Tables panel permanently docked on the left-hand side.

Initialising tables

Previously, when initialising tables, each individual table had to be initialised separately - including the selection of sheet dimensions. In 14.1, we have eliminated the need for repetitive selections, especially for highly dimensional taxonomies, for example, re-selecting the list of countries, currencies, lines of business etc.

Template selection

Tables are added through the new "Templates" panel. To add tables to your report, you must click on the Add Tables button:

A template can contain multiple tables. Selecting a template initialises all its included tables. For example, selecting C 07.00 in COREP - Own Funds initialises four tables (C 07.00.a, b, c, and d):

In the Solvency II - Annual Reporting Solo reporting module, the template "S.19.01.01 - Non-life insurance claims" actually consists of 21 tables (S. to S. In DPM Authority 14.1, you need to select only the template, and all 21 tables that make up the template will be initialised:

This change will save significant time and ensures consistent table initialisation.

Sheet selection

After selecting templates, you choose sheets from a merged list in the Dimensons tab. The Dimensions tab appears only if templates with selectable sheets are chosen (indicated by a blue cube icon), such as C 07.00, C 08.01. C 08.02 & C 08.03 in the screenshot below:

For example, in FINREP, a single list of countries is presented for selection. This selection applies to all tables (F 20.04, F 20.05, F 20.06 & F 20.07.1).

You can even search for countries based on their label, such as "Denmark", or their two-digit ISO code, such as "dk".:

The same applies to searching for currencies - you could search for "pounds" or for "gbp".

In the Solvency II taxonomy, the dimension "Line of business" appears on many templates. In DPM Authority 14.1, the dimension is merged across all templates, and selecting from a single list of Lines of businesses will apply this selection across all templates that use this dimension:

Please note that some templates may have multiple dimensions from which you need to make a selection. For example, if adding S.19.01.01 from the Solvency II Annual Reporting Solo reporting module, you must make a selection from each dimension:

In this case, if no selection is made from the Currency or Line of Business dimension, then no S19.01.01 tables will be initialised.

Initialising the same tables you have already initialised in another document

The "Import Tables" button in the new "Tables" panel lets you import previously initialised tables from another document:

Table deletion

Table deletion now happens in the "Templates" panel. Select tables and click "Remove Tables" in the toolbar or right-click and choose "Remove Tables":

Table navigation

Table navigation is now done using the new "Tables" panel. To load a table, you must;

  • double-click the table in the Tables panel; or
  • select the table and click the Open Table button in the toolbar, or
  • select the table and right-click, then select the Open Table option.

Searching for tables

You can now search for a table using either the table name or table code:

Notice in the screenshot above, searching for "loss", will filter the tables to show only those that contain the word "loss" in them.

Displaying of validation results

The displaying of validation results has been enhanced with the following changes:

  1. Inconsistent duplicate facts (if any exist) are now shown separately in a pre-grouped table above the taxonomy validation rules.
  2. Taxonomy validation results are now pre-grouped - first by severity, than then by rule code.
  3. The displaying of validation failures has been enhanced to reduce the occurrence of terms with the label "[Not Reported]".
  4. You can now hide columns which don't add value to the validation results.

Inconsistent duplicate fact errors

(See Duplicate Facts for more information).

If any exist, these will now be displayed above the taxonomy rule validation results:

The results are pre-grouped to display each set. Clicking on any hyperlinks will take you to the cell containing the fact. Since a fact can only be inserted into the XBRL once, the "Value If Not Resolved" column indicates which value will be used if the inconsistency is not resolved.

We strongly advise first removing these issues as any inconsistency could cause unexpected errors to appear in the taxonomy validation rule panel below.

Automatic Resolving of Inconsistencies

A new "Resolve" column has been added to the table. This allows you to automatically resolve any inconsistencies. If you place a checkmark next to a single fact in each set and press the "Resolve Set" button in the toolbar. The software will automatically adjust the value of all facts with the set to agree to the value of the fact that you have placed the checkmark in. Please however note:

  • If you re-import your source data which contains the inconsistency the inconsistency will re-appear.
  • If one of the facts in the set is a calculated data object, indicated by the "...(Calculated)" suffix, after resolving the inconsistency the software will perform a re-calculation which could re-introduce the inconsistency.

Taxonomy Validation Rules

Any taxonomy validation rules will appear in a pre-grouped table. The table will appear below any inconsistent duplicate fact errors (if they exist).

The display of validation rules has been improved. In many cases - in the previous version of DPM Authority if the fact did not have a value it was displayed as "[Not Reported]" in the expressions. Where possible we now display the full data point address - even if facts that are not reported.


There are 7 columns in the table:

  1. Severity
  2. Code
  3. Taxonomy Label
  4. Taxonomy Message
  5. Expression (Addresses)
  6. Expression (Values)
  7. Delta

3 & 4 are sourced directly from the taxonomy. 5 and 6 are calculated by DPM Authority.

Depending on the taxonomy, you may find that some columns contain redundant / duplicated information. You can choose to hide columns using the Show/Hide Columns button in the toolbar, to reduce the amount of redundant /duplicated information:

Any columns you choose to hide will be remembered in your user settings and will remain hidden across all documents unless you choose to once again display it using the same form.

For example, in this case from the EBA taxonomy, the column Taxonomy Message contains a duplication of information found in the "Taxonomy Label" Column:

In this case, you may decide to hide the Taxonomy Label column.

However, for the Solvency II taxonomy, the "Taxonomy Label" column provides a valuable description of the rule's purpose, so you might choose to keep it visible:

Any columns you choose to hide will be stored in your user settings and will be remembered between sessions.

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