11.4 Account Mapping - Chart of accounts

A chart of accounts comprises a list of account codes (or sub-accounts/dimension members) along with their corresponding descriptions. To illustrate, consider this trial balance extract from a source system with three distinct dimensions, each having its own set of codes:

  1. Account
  2. Country
  3. Product

The chart of accounts (COA) for each dimension consists of a unique list of codes, accompanied by their respective descriptions.

The Account COA
Dimension 1 COA
Dimension 2 COA

Mapping panel

Within the Mapping panel, the chart of accounts section displays codes and descriptions for the primary "Account," as well as any additional sub-accounts or dimensions. When configuring a connection to utilise the account mapping functionality, this section starts as empty by default.

Dimension tabs

If your connection is set up to incorporate extra sub-accounts or dimension members, you'll find a dedicated tab for each sub-account or dimension. For instance, Dimension 1 may encompass a list of countries, while Dimension 2 includes a list of products. To facilitate this, the source trial balance should include columns for "Account," "Country," "Product," and "Balance."

Uploading the chart of accounts

The list of accounts can be conveniently uploaded in CSV format.

By clicking the "Update from CSV File..." button, you can import the corresponding file into the "Account" tab, rendering it as follows:

The same procedure should be repeated for each dimension, if applicable. For example:


Updating the chart of accounts

Before each reporting period, especially if new accounts or sub-accounts have been created within the source system's chart of accounts, it's essential to update the list. This update can be accomplished by uploading a new chart of accounts extracted in CSV format. Report Authority will:

  • Add any newly created accounts along with their descriptions.
  • Update the descriptions of existing accounts if they have been modified.

It's important to note that Report Authority will not delete any accounts that are absent from the CSV upload. This feature allows you to upload a CSV file containing only the changes.

Chart of Accounts for NetSuite connections

Report Authority automates the creation and updating of the chart of accounts for Netsuite connections by reading the relevant metadata. The update from CSV buttons will be disabled in this case.

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