11.2 Account Mapping - Configuring Connections
Excel Connections
When connecting to an Excel workbook, you have various methods to retrieve cell data, depending on your specific needs:
- Cell Address: This method allows you to fetch the value of a cell using its address, such as A1 or B5.
- Named Range: If your workbook utilises named ranges, you can retrieve cell values by referencing these names.
- Lookup Table: The lookup table method enables you to search for cell values using vertical and horizontal axes, which is particularly useful for complex and changing data structures.
In each of these methods, you can obtain the value of a single cell. However, if your objective is to retrieve values from a range of cells, like calculating the sum of various account balances, consider configuring your connection to leverage the Account Mapping Functionality. You can activate this feature by clicking the "Use Account Mapping Adaptor" button Note this will be disabled and unavailable if you have also configured NetSuite to use account mapping.
Clicking this button will open the Set Up Account Mapping form.
Set Up Account Mapping
To use the account mapping functionality you need to provide the software with the following mandatory information:
- Specify the worksheet that contains the trial balance.
- Indicate whether the trial balance contains a header row.
- Identify the columns that hold the account code and balance.
In addition to this mandatory information, you may also provide the following optional information:
- Sub-Account/Dimension Columns: If your trial balance includes sub-accounts/dimensions, such as product codes and/or cost centres, which you need to derive the various items of disclosure in your report, you can specify these columns.
- Metadata Columns: If your trial balance contains columns for entity, year, period or currency, and you wish Report Authority to filter for these elements based on the values of the current report, you can designate these columns. Please note, that for every column you specify here, you will have to provide values to map these items to the report. For more details, refer to this article.
Once you've configured at least one connection to use the Account Mapping functionality, the Mapping panel will become available.
Setting up multiple Excel Connections to use Account Mapping functionality
You have the flexibility to set up multiple Excel connections to leverage the Account Mapping functionality. This is especially valuable if you need to connect to raw data downloaded from your source system and a workbook that contains adjustments. Report Authority will seamlessly combine data from all Excel connections configured to use the account mapping functionality.
NetSuite Connections
You can configure a single NetSuite connection to use account mapping on the condition that you have not used accout mapppng already on an Excel connection. You also cannot use it on multiple NetSuite connections because each connection could nhave its own CHart of Accounts, and Report Authority doe not currntly support multiple chart of accounts.
To use accoiunt mapping with Netsuite, set the Use Account Mapping checkbox to true: