11.5 Account Mapping - Account Mapping Hierarchy

To the right of the chart of accounts, you'll find the account mapping hierarchy, which represents the items meant to appear on the face of the report. A separate hierarchy is created for each dimension. These hierarchies are then made available in the Automation panel, enabling you to seamlessly drag and drop them onto the report for automating report content.

When the document is first created, each hierarchy will be blank:

Creating hierarchy nodes

When you first create a document, each hierarchy will start with a blank slate. To begin constructing your hierarchy, follow these steps:

  1. Adding a root node: Click the "Add Root" button and assign a name to the root node.

  1. Adding a child node: To add a child node, select the parent and:
  • Click the "Add Child" button below the hierarchy.
  • Right-click the parent node and choose "Add Child."
  • Use the keyboard shortcut {shift} + {enter}.

  1. Adding a sibling node: To add a sibling node, select a sibling and:
  • Click the "Add Sibling" button below the hierarchy.
  • Right-click the parent node and choose "Add Sibling."
  • Use the keyboard shortcut {enter}.

Continue this process to add nodes until each dimension is equipped with the necessary nodes for automating report content. For example:

Account Hierarchy
Dimension 1 (Country)
Dimension 2 (Product)

Adding nodes from the clipboard

To speed up node creation, you could, for example, select all rows in the income statement and copy (ctrl + c). You can then paste each label found in each table row as a separate node in the hierarchy by clicking on either the Paste Siblings or Paste Children buttons:

Renaming hierarchy nodes

To rename hierarchy nodes, you can select the node and choose one of the following methods:

  • Click the "Rename" button.
  • Right-click the node and select the "Rename" option.
  • Clicking on the node twice to edit it directly within the hierarchy.

Reorganising hierarchy nodes

Hierarchy nodes, along with their children, can be reorganized through a simple drag-and-drop action:

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