11.6 Account Mapping - Mapping Accounts to Hierarchy Items
Once you have successfully uploaded your Chart of Accounts and established your Account Mapping Hierarchy, the next step is to associate your account codes with hierarchy items. Here's how to do it:
Mapping Accounts to Hierarchy Items:
After setting up your hierarchy, you can map your Chart of Account codes to the corresponding hierarchy items. Simply follow these steps:
- Select one or more accounts.
- Drag and drop the selected accounts onto the desired Account Mapping Item.
- The "Mapped To" column in the Chart of Accounts will then indicate the node to which they are mapped.
Please note that each account can be mapped to only one hierarchy node.
Bidirectional Drag-and-Drop:
In addition to mapping accounts to hierarchy nodes, you can also perform the reverse action. You can drag a hierarchy item and drop it onto a selection of Chart of Account rows.
Finding Unmapped Accounts:
To identify unmapped accounts, utilize the "Mapped To" column and apply a filter to display only accounts that have not been mapped.
Viewing Mapped Accounts:
If you need to discover which accounts are mapped to a specific hierarchy node, right-click the node and select "View Mapped Accounts."
Example mappings
Let's consider an example based on the data used in the account mapping articles. You can establish account-to-dimension mappings as follows:

For a chart of accounts that include totals and subtotals
The account mapping feature automatically calculates totals for parent nodes. For instance, using the Europe node in the provided screenshot, it aggregates the balances of all accounts mapped to its child nodes, such as Western Europe and Eastern Europe.
However, when working with a Chart of Accounts that includes totals and subtotals, exercise caution. If you have an account for "Europe" that represents the sum of all Western and Eastern Europe accounts, refrain from mapping this total account to the "Europe" node, as it will lead to double-counting when calculating the value for Europe.