11.3 Account Mapping - Metadata Mapping
If you have configured any Metadata mapping columns, a separate mapping table for each can be accessed using the dropdown control on the top of the Mapping panel:
This allows you to map values from your source system to values in the report. For example:
- The entity identifier in your report may be based on a legal entity identifier, such as an LEI code, or a national code such as a UK Companies House Reference Number. The entity code in your source system, however, is likely to use a different entity code. This table allows you to map from your source system entity code to your entity identifier in the report. If you are creating a template, add all the entity identifiers to be used in all the reports.
- The year value in your source data may be represented as something other than a calendar year. This table allows you to map from a value such as Yr20, or 20 to 2020. Be sure to add years into the future so that when the report is rolled forward,
- The period value in your source data may be represented as something other than a two-digit month. This table allows you to map from a value such as M12 to 12.